Foreclosure Prevention

Fueled by our commitment to

Foreclosure Prevention

Behind in your mortgage payments? Fearful of losing your home? There’s help for your situation, and you don’t have to go it alone. Tampa Bay Neighborhood Housing Services is a HUD-approved housing counseling agency that assists struggling homeowners to help them keep their homes and avoid foreclosure when possible. If you are behind on your monthly bills, including your mortgage, Tampa Bay Housing Services offers free (that’s free — no charge, no-obligation) confidential financial counseling assistance. Let one of our certified housing counselors assist you in a virtual setting.

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During a foreclosure preventing counseling session, our counselor will review:

Your current income

Living expenses



Our counselor will help you understand your options and possible solutions to your financial challenges. Assess your options for avoiding foreclosure, which could include a loan modification available under the federal Making Home Affordable program or another borrower assistance program. Our counseling session comes with no additional obligations.

Prepare for Your Counseling Session

Being prepared will help our counselor help you. By better understanding your financial position, (s)he can assess potential options for you. When you speak with our counselor, have the following documents at hand:

Most recent pay stubs and most recent tax return

Most recent bank statements.

Credit card bills.

Your monthly mortgage statements.

Any utility bills, personal loans, and car payments.

Our certified housing counselor will work with you and your lender to determine your options.

Free Foreclosure Prevention Counseling
Call us today at 757-442-4155

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​​Tampa bay neighborhood housing service

Guiding communities towards a better tomorrow since 1997

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